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Fieldcraft training is a RAFAC core activity. Its main purpose is to train cadets to live and work effectively in a field environment. It offers opportunities to develop cadets’ leadership, communications, navigation and First Aid skills.

Training consists of 'learning in the field' rather than a classroom and is taught over the summer period. Cadets can progress up through the fieldcraft syllabus. Starting at Blue, Bronze, Silver and Gold. 

Some of the lessons from the syllabus are listed below. 

  • Preparation and Packing of Personal Equipment

  • Admin in the Field ● The 2­man shelter 

  • Why Things are Seen

  • Personal Camouflage and Concealment

  • Observation

  • Judging Distance

  • Indications of Targets

  • Range Cards

  • Duties of a Sentry

  • Movement in the Field by Day

  • Field Signals

  • Elementary Obstacle Crossing

  • Selecting a Route Across Country

  • Stalking

  • Introduction to Night Training

  • Elementary Night Movement

  • Harbour Drills


Fieldcraft training is conducted by Fieldcraft Instructors (FCI) who know the subject and have the knowledge and experience to deliver it. Local training is done on squadron premises or at a local training area. Exercises are often conducted on weekend camps, where the cadets skills are challenged as they try to complete missions against the staff posing as the enemy. For more experienced cadets L98A2 rifles are deployed with the use of blank ammunition an pyros to enhance the experience.  All area's are risk assessed and staff are with the cadets for entirety of the weekend. 

A generally acknowledged advantage of fieldcraft exercises is that it forces cadets to use their initiative. A relatively junior member of the squadron could find themselves in a decision-making position.


For this reason, fieldcraft is often used by squadrons as a method of assessing cadets' leadership qualities, as it forces cadets to make quick decisions and perhaps to effectively lead a team, even when they're unsure of exactly what's going on or what they're supposed to be doing. For this reason, fieldcraft forms the core of the RAFAC Junior Leaders course.

At Woodbridge, we often conduct weekend camps and Training at MOD Woodbridge, Training Area Stanford and RAF Honington. 

01394 384721

432 Woodbridge Air Cadets, Quayside, Woodbridge, IP12 1BH

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